How long is the ServSafe Food Manger good for? How long is the ServSafe Alcohol good for?
Food Manager is good for 5 years. ServSafe Alcohol is good for 2 years.
Can I just take the exam to Certify or Re-Certify?
Yes, for Food Safety Manager. You can always take just the exam in a Proctored Exam Session OR attend any scheduled class at the 2:15pm to take the exam..
No, for Alcohol. You must recertify with a class and exam.
Do I need to pay for the Manual?
Yes. All ServSafe classes require you purchase a Course Manual, which is included in your fee. If you do not wish to purchase the book, there is no need to attend a class and you can just attend a Proctored Exam Session.
Are the Courses available in Spanish?
All Courses with this instructor are presented in English. Spanish books AND Exams are available. Participants can participate in-class if they can follow the oral presentation in English while using the Spanish materials, then test out in the Spanish Exam. They may also either Self-Study OR take the Online Course Portion, then attend any Proctored Exam with this Instructor/Proctor to test out in the Spanish Exam. This MUST be pre-arranged.